Acta Philosophica
Acta Philosophica is an international journal edited by the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome). Founded in 1992, it aims to be an instrument of dialogue and collaboration between the various fields of philosophical research, particularly between philosophy and science, reason and faith, classical philosophy and contemporary thought.
Publisher: Fabrizio Serra Editore (Pisa - Roma)
Periodicity: Semiannual
ISSN: 1121-2179
eISSN: 1825-6562▪ The journal uses a double-blind peer review procedure.
▪ Articles are freely available, except for the last three years.
▪ Subscriptions and online purchase from Fabrizio Serra (more information). -
Annales theologici
International theological journal established in 1987, promoted by the School of Theology of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome)
«Annales theologici» is especially concerned with the study of those topics involving dialogue between the Gospel and contemporary culture. It includes sections devoted to studies and commentaries; in-depth studies presenting a status quaestionis of debated theological topics for teaching purposes; book reviews and information about new theological publications. «Annales theologici» is published twice a year. Addressed to scholars and to all those interested in the contribution that theology offers to contemporary culture and to Church life.
Ius Ecclesiae
Rivista internazionale di Diritto Canonico, a cura della Facoltà di Diritto Canonico della Pontificia Università della Santa Croce
Fabrizio Serra editore, Pisa - RomaEditor: Eduardo Baura
Editorial Board: Geraldina Boni, Giuseppe Comotti, Carlos José Errázuriz, Jorge Otaduy Guerín, Fernando Puig, Petar Popovic (Secretary), Marc TeixidorClassificazione ANVUR: A
The journal is indexed in SCOPUS and ATLA.
Double-blind peer-reviewed articles are published. The journal guarantees complete independence between the reviewers and the institution to which the authors are affiliated.
Contact Information: Via dei Farnesi, 83 - 00186 ROMA.
ISSN: 1120-6462
ISSN electronic: 1972-5671Ius Ecclesiae provides open access for all published scholarly content - apart from the content published in the last 2 years.
Subscriptions only on Fabrizio Serra editore. -
Forum. Supplement to Acta Philosophica
Forum. Supplement to Acta Philosophica is an annual online journal promoted by the School of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. The Journal, peer reviewed, publishes scientific contributions from the academic and research activities carried out by the Faculty, as well as essays introducing, analyzing and commenting on classics and important philosophical works.
Forum has been classified by ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research), among the recognized scientific journals in the field of Historical sciences, philosophical, pedagogical and psychological sciences (Area 11).
All Forum articles are Open Access.